A struggle many student-athletes are faced with today is the decision of whether to play multiple sports or to just stick to one sport and master that. Playing one or multiple sports both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you happen to be in the process of deciding what type of athlete you want to be, hopefully the lists below will prove helpful in your decision-making process.
Advantages of Being a Single-Sport Athlete
When an athlete decides to give their all in a single sport, it can prove rewarding. By focusing your attention on just one sport, you will, no doubt, become somewhat of an expert in that given sport. You will have a lot more time to practice and focus on improving your skills in that single sport. You will also have the time to attend combines, tournaments, and join club teams that you may not get the chance to do if you play multiple sports.
Advantages of Being a Multi-Sport Athlete
There are also many benefits to be gained by playing several sports. When you participate in multiple sports, you absorb different types of skills and disciplines from each sport. Also, by playing a few different sports, you will decrease your chances of burnout. Playing the same sport over and over for years can become tedious and eventually may not be fun to play anymore. By switching up the sports you play every couple seasons, you are more likely to keep enjoying these sports.
Deciding What’s Best for You
When it comes time that you are faced with the decision to continue playing multiple sports or concentrating on just one sport, you have to be sure to listen to your head and heart. While it can be insightful to ask your family and friends for advice, you are ultimately the one who will be playing. Keep in mind that the main reason athletes play sports is to have fun. Whether you are playing multiple sports or just one you should always be having fun with it. This should be your main factor to consider in your decision-making process.
For more perspective on the debate, click here.
Working towards a goal or a dream can be incredibly taxing. We understand our clients are working towards the goal of playing their sport in college. Early practices, late practices, double sessions, weight training and more, plus academics, work and a social life are a lot to fit in for the student athlete. Many athletes do an excellent job of creating a balance of the many demands in their life. But sometimes, becoming burnt-out may seem unavoidable. Below you’ll find some tips to avoid the burn out and keep that balance going in your life.
Check In With Yourself
Only you can know if you’re headed for a burnout. Every now and then, do a mental check-in to make sure your head is still in the game and you’re still on the path you want. Are you overtired? Are you stressed out? Is your schedule out of control? Take some time to do inventory of your day to day life and ensure you are happy and still working towards a goal without overworking yourself.
Continue Playing All the Sports You Love
There is much debate on specializing within the world of student athletes. Essentially, there are two schools of thought. Some may argue that only focusing on one sport is the best way to ensure a college roster spot, while others say playing multiple sports looks best to coaches. Many, however, will agree that playing multiple sports helps to avoid the burnout. If you like soccer and baseball, play both if possible. The switch between sports can help to avoid a burnout and shows coaches dedication on another level as well as an ability to balance. To learn more about the importance of multiple sports, click here.
Take a Break
While there is the opportunity to play your sport year round between club teams, camps and high school, it is important to take some time off. Take a few days or even a week to rest your body and mind. When you get back to your sport and training you will feel that much more energized!
Reassess ad Reorganize
Sometimes you don’t just need a break, but you need to shake things up completely. Would getting your workouts in in the morning free up more time for homework at night? Is it really necessary to stay out really late on Friday night to be dragging for Saturday morning practice? Along with checking in with yourself, sometimes you need to reorganize and prioritize things in your training plan. This can range from checking how you are fueling your body to what time makes the most sense for you to squeeze in a weight training session so you still have a social life. See what works for you!
It’s pretty hard to burn out on fun. As long as you are enjoying the journey as a student athlete, keep working hard. Some athletes may never feel burnt out. As long as you’re still enjoying yourself and training the best you can, keep moving towards your goals!
Additional Resources
If you are feeling stressed about the College Sports Preparation process then contact us for advice and sign up for our free guide HERE to learn more about the process and action items to take