There are simple health strategies you can implement to develop unstoppable energy levels while simultaneously increasing your overall health. Unfortunately, many athletes are quick to reach for energy fixes that are often “crash and burn,” such as gas station energy drinks, soda, coffee, or sugary foods. While these choices will adversely affect your health and performance, the six points below will help you to create higher energy levels in a healthy and sustainable way and enable you to get more from your training and competitions.

1. Hydrate ~ Filtered water is important to every function of the human body. A 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25-30% loss of energy in most athletes. Even mild dehydration can slow our metabolism, so rehydration can also support weight loss.

2. Rebound ~ Jumping on a mini-trampoline for 10-15 minutes daily is easy, low-weight bearing, and the benefits are wide-ranging. Also, like jogging, this is one of the most efficient and effective ways to improve fitness as it is great for the lymphatic system, tones muscle, rebuilds cells (slows aging), burns fat, increases metabolism, strengthens the heart and greatly increases energy.

3. Breath Deep ~ This is a great way to fully utilize your physiology and energy levels. When you take the time to breath deeply into your stomach, you fill your blood stream with wonderful acid fighting oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, cleansing the body of acid waste and harmful by-products.

4. Green Foods ~ Green foods should be a cornerstone of your diet to maximize energy levels. Chlorophyll is miraculous and has so many health benefits such as cleansing the body, fighting infection, promoting circulatory health, as well as the health of the digestive, immune, and detoxification systems. Also, the health of our red blood cells is critical and eating or drinking chlorophyll increases the quality AND quantity of your red blood cells.

5. High Quality Nutritional Supplements ~ Vitamin and mineral supplements build up your natural immune system and build up your natural antioxidant defense system. With supplements, you are able to optimize your energy levels and maximize your bodies defense against chronic degenerative disease.

6. Essential Fatty Acids ~ EFA’s are called essential because the body requires them to function, yet it cannot manufacture them. These “omega oils” increase metabolic rate, energy levels, and stamina. Also, increased metabolic rate means we burn more calories. Some of the best sources of these “good fats” are avocado, fish, nuts, olive oil, UDO’s oil, and flax seed.

Health is energy, which is a metabolic state that you create by exercising, breathing properly and putting the right things in your body. Ensure that your body is getting what it needs by continually refining the ways you create energy so that you can have a positive impact on your athletic performance and health today, AND for the rest of your life.

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