Adam Friederichsen

Profile Views: 305
Sport: Boy's Football
HS Grad Year: 2013
Recruitment Status: Signed
Position 1: Quarterback
Position 2:
Ht. / Wt.: 5' 10'' / 180 lbs.
School Jersey #: 10
Club Jersey #:
School: La Costa Canyon HS
Location: Carlsbad, CA
Club Team:
Other Sports: Baseball
GPA: 3.67
Transcript: N/A
I like seeing the results of my hard work. When I put the effort and energy into classwork, it shows in my grades and teacher comments. When I put in a 110% in my workouts, it shows in throws. I have developed good friends in the classroom and on the fields (football and baseball) and would not trade that for anything.

Describe Your Playing Style?: Athletic, can be a pocket passer or versatile passer with ability to run, move and elude defense. Strong leader, started when playing catcher position for baseball at elite/club level to HS level (Freshmen/JV). Strongest arm amongst QBs. Very accurate, whether from pocket or on the run. Able to throw deep, mid range, timing and short routes effectively and consistently. Total confidence in arm strength but more importantly in ability to make smart, quick decisions thus protecting the ball.
Personal Statement: I like seeing the results of my hard work. When I put the effort and energy into classwork, it shows in my grades and teacher comments. When I put in a 110% in my workouts, it shows in throws. I have developed good friends in the classroom and on the fields (football and baseball) and would not trade that for anything.
Other activites and interests: I like to work with those who have less than our family. I volunteer with Interfaith (homeless, battered women's shelter, foster and veterans programs).